Moonlight Pixels

Novice After-Hours Game Development.

JRPG-Engine Stat System

2019-01-10 Jay
At the time of this blog post jrpg-engine is still in development (pre-1.0). APIs referneced in this post may change before 1.0 release. Stats in a RPG are how we model the differences between entities in the game simulation. The warrior with Strength of 25 is likely to deal more damage with a standard physical attack than the mage with Strength of 8. Continue reading

LibGDX: Apply Gradient Effect to Center Patch of Ninepatch

2018-05-04 Jay
The basic building block of UIs in JRPG Engine is the panel. They are used to break up content on menus, display dialog between characters and render messages to the player. A Dialog Panel from Final Fantasy VI A Panel in JRPG Engine is a Scene2D Container with a themed background Drawable. The easiest type of Drawable to for Panels is LibGDX’s NinePatch Drawable. A NinePatch is an image that is divided into a 3x3 grid of patches that can be stretched such that the center patch stretches to fill most of the Drawable area. Continue reading